Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Comments on Digital pedegogy from Simon's blog
Ray's quiz comments

Overwhelming with Podcast, Voki, Flickr.

This week was a little overwhelming with using Pictures, Voki, Flickr, Podcast, etc as all of them are new to me. All of which was very interesting to me but unless I constantly use them I forget how they work. I'm hoping the penny will drop and it will all stay in my head. But I don't like my chances!

Some benefits that I can see with Flickr within hospitality could be taking pictures of the dishes the learner has cooked to show in their portfolio and the recipe. A benefit of podcasting could be downloading cooking demonstrations to show the students instead of me showing them. With this assistance it will help engage the students in the task. And also give me a break!!!!!!!!!

The power of Powerpoint Presentations

Well, hasn't powerpoint presentations changed from the last time I used it which was about 8 years ago. I was blown away to see that you could add sound to pictures. I can see the benefits of this in my classroom especially when the students are unengaged in the topic such as Maths.
The assistance of picture with sound will help with constructing meaning and engaging their interests. I can see myself using this ICT tool in my classroom more so than wiki or blogs.
comments on Simon Obst blog
comments on Gary's blog

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Usefullness of Wikis in Schools

The question being asked is, "How can wikis be best used in your context?"

The subject area that i would use a wiki is in hospitality. The task for the students would be to design a two course menu and cook for their peers. They are told that they have to use ingredients that they have at home. Groups are formed into four students each and after they have designed the menu and created their ingredients list they can use a wiki. By using a wiki to communicate with each other the students can provide a list of what they can bring and ingredients that might have been forgotten about. This is an easy tool to use as a hand written list of ingredients are easily lost or misplaced.

By using a wiki it would help with completeing this task and assisting with constructivism. Another benefit is the collaboration of students which is very much needed in hospitality in being able to work with other people.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Functionality of a blog

There are many functions that a blog (web log) can assist in the schools and society. Some benefits that a blog can help are:

* Providing a community and schools with a continues dairy of events.
* Free and easy access to voicing your opinion publicly.
* Provides people with an uninterrupted discussion of a topic which assists the student that is to embarrassed to talk in class.
* Providing links to other web pages, blogs, wikis that are relevant to the topic.

I can see the benefits of using a blog to assist with learning within classrooms for middle school and senior schooling butI also can identify some problems with using it as well. Such as students not having access to computers at school and at home.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Catch up week

hello everyone,

Well this is exciting and frustrating at the same time. I'm one week behind so I'm trying to get two weeks of work all pushed into one week, that is the frustrating part. At the moment I'm trying to save my mindmap to my blog and I'm having so much trouble doing this so if someone can help me out that would be very helpful.

Blogs, wikis and weeblys are all very new to me at this stage and to remember which one to use for the right job will be hard enough but also the challenge of remembering all the usernames and passwords. Another challenge that i see myself facing in the future is understanding where i can use these resources (eg blogs, wikis) within my future classroom as my subject areas are maths and hospitality but i'm confident that everything will fall into place by the end of this course.

simonCollaborate learner